metalaxyl mancozeb uses chlorothalonil mancozeb 80 pm chlorothalonil and mancozeb manufacturer QINGDAO HUARUI STAR TRADING CO.,LTD

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Mancozeb 80%WP

Mancozeb 80 WP is a broad spectrum protectant fungicide with contact action, used to protect many fruits and vegetables, grains, seeds and field crops. A fungicide for the control of certain diseases in field crops, horticultural crops, flowers and ornamentals. To prevent disease resistance, Mancozeb should be used in alternation with other preventative fungicides like Copper oxychloride. Mancozeb will prevent diseases like early blight, late blight, downey mildew,anthracnose and Alternaria leaf spot.

CAS: 8018-01-7

CAS: 8018-01-7

Chemical formula: C4H8MnN2S4Zn

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